I have been a
born again
Christian since October 1977. I was discipled by a number of
people, but
I credit the Navigators on the UW-Madison campus for grounding me in
scripture through their "Design for Discipleship" series. Since
that time I have studied theology and church history on my own while
continuing to read God's Word, the Bible over and over.
There is nothing like soaking in God's Word. The Holy Spirit uses that
I face a question or problem in life. I ask God for wisdom as
in James 1:5 and verses are brought to mind. With a PC based
bible I can
quickly locate verse from a few key words I recalled and study it in
context to see if and how it applies. (see e-Sword.net link right
for a free program that I use everyday!) Soaking in God's Word
me of the story often told about how the FBI trains their people to
spot counterfeit
money. They study the real thing in great detail. When a
comes along it stands out as not quite right. It
looks good, but for the trained eye it is clearly not
the real thing.
was been part of the church growth movement for 8 years (1991-1998) as part of a startup church and
I overlooked
some of the things that just were not right. The
people were loving and sincere in really wanted to
reach people for
Christ. I left this church for a more
church after years of burnout. The new
church felt right and
I grew to love that church. After a number
of years it started to slowly change in the direction of the church growth movement. The more I studied and
researched the more I
became concerned, then alarm. My concern
fell on
deaf ears. Through this website I want to be a "watchman on
the wall" Ezek 33 to those who have not yet
heard. There are many better sites (see links on the right: Light House Trails Research and Apprising Ministries) but this
is my story and my study of God's Word.
read about my journey see "Rethinking
Where God Wants Us".
Bible software)
John MacArthur:
to Emergent
Friendly Churches
Calvary Chapel's
(Statement on the Emergent church.)
Lighthouse Trails Research Exposing the dangers of new spirituality
Ken Silva
Apprising Ministries
(Emergent Church and
contemplative Prayer)