Evangelicalism Now
of Modern
Doctrine of
Purpose of
Sunday Gathering
the World
at my Present Church
Family Goals
We Should
Look for in a Church
May 2006:
I am torn by two concerns:
To be part of a church
- Has a focus
on the family as a
central part of its community
- Sees that
the world is opposed
to it and takes the bible's warnings seriously
- Supports
home schooling, raising
a godly seed and a call to holiness
Leaving a church home
- There are
many that love God and
are truly seeking Him and reaching out to others around them
- I have
friends whom I have
served with and have grown with and love dearly
- I will to
have explain why I am
am at a cross-road and
feel I have made the decision to
leave at a subconscious level for many reasons yet have not been able
articulate them fully. I
am in much
prayer as to God’s leading for me and my family.
has not come about suddenly but has been
in the works for a long time. Perhaps
is a continuation of my concerns with my previous church (A Willow
Creek styled church). The
decision to
leave that
church was quickly made of necessity for other reasons.
Coming to a more traditional church in 1999, as it
then, was a step in the direction of number 1 above.
recent years I feel that
my church is taking steps in the
direction towards the church I left.
is not an easy decision
with many complex issues. These
include the responsibility I
have as the spiritual head of my family, philosophy of ministry in the
responsibility of leadership, discernment.
all this is doctrine upon which these issues
are based.
understand why this is a
concern to me it is important to
understand who I am and where I have come from. (See My Church History)
following is my attempt
to organize my thoughts into
some kind of cohesive assessment.
It was
born out of a 4 day retreat for prayer and study.
is primarily intended for me and my
family, but I know there are others who might want to know why we are
and this can explain it better than a few quick statements.
recent journey began
late in 2003. May
God bless you as you
read this.
The whole “Purpose Driven Life”
excitement began to
awaken in me an awareness that Evangelicalism was changing, being
influenced by
men such and Rick Warren and Bill Hybels (Willow Creek) who were in
influenced by Robert Schuller who thinks the word sin should be
abolished from
Christianity because it makes people “feel bad”. False
teaching was slowly creeping into
mainstream evangelicalism, but in recent years has been accelerating.
I discovered another movement
evangelicalism called “The
Emergent Church”. This is a loose philosophy of teaching that has many
among which is that the belief “doctrine divides” so there is a de-emphasis
on doctrine and that we should just love Jesus. Without doctrine and
careful adherence to the
Word of God, how shall we know when “another Christ” (anti-Christ) is
taught purposely by deceivers or ignorantly by the deceived?
“But evil men and
seducers will go
forward to worse,
deceiving and being deceived.”
2Tim 3:13
This anti-doctrine is coming
out of
post-modern thinking and
the rejection of absolute truth. Adherents
are saying that this is the way to reach the
world. Along with
this new thinking is
the fruit of the ideas planted by Richard Foster 25 years ago, the
whole contemplative
prayer movement. Contemplative
prayer is in reality eastern transcendental meditation with the result
some spiritual experience. Of
these teachers say this is God, but how would they know? They are practicing the
very things forbidden
by scripture and bringing apostasy into the church.
“But the Spirit
expressly says that in
the latter times
some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing
teachings of demons,” 1 Tim 4:1
Willow Creek has gotten caught
up in this
lately, inviting
modern mystic teachers both so-called Christian mystic and new age.
(See http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hybels/insider.htm)
This also ties in with a new ecumenical
movement. Spiritual
leaders in this
movement are
finding common ground in there practices with Islamic Sufis, Hindu and
practitioners. Rather than being alarm that they are aligned with
that are definitely NOT Christian but clearly pagan and questioning
whether what
they are doing is wrong, they so believe what they are doing is right
that they
conclude there are many paths to God and all religions are really one.
This is
absurd. The Bible
however clearly warns
of a one world religion and this fits the bill for a vehicle to get
to come around.
Careful study or God’s Word and
of doctrine
clearly warns of
the dangers of this movement. I
however astonished at the list of “evangelical leaders” whose names are
associated with this movement and it is being hyped by “Christianity
Rick Warren’s P.E.A.C.E. plan
sounds good at
first glance,
but it is an ecumenical movement paralleling the U.N.’s “Millennial
Evangelicalism is being led
astray by
leaders. Only a few
well known leaders
are taking a stance against it and speaking up, among these are John
and Dave Hunt.
Not only is sin de-emphasized
but the Atonement
coming under attack now described in Alan Jones’ book “Redefining
as “this vile doctrine”.
article: “Evangelicals
Attacking the Atonement”
When I was a new believer in
College and
read about a time
that Jesus said:
“For false Christs and
false prophets
will arise and show
great signs and wonders; so much so that, if it were possible, they
deceive even the elect.” Mat 24:24.
Paul spoke of the “falling
away” in 2 Thes
2:3, I couldn’t
imagine how Satin could deceive so many.
now I see how a watered down Evangelical church that
does not know
its doctrine and rejects discernment could be easily be duped.
As I stated in my background
(see Appendix
A) that I come
from a position of being sympathetic (many years ago) to the
Willow-Creek style
teaching to make a church for the unchurched.
is what the “Church Growth Movement” is all about.
The goal was to get people in the door by
eliminating the barriers that kept them away.
Hybles used a marketing survey to start his church
and applied what
he learned. From
the world’s perspective
he was very successful. Willow-Creek
one of the largest churches in America and it formed the Willow Creek
association of 1000’s of churches literally around the world following
its model, including my former church Stonebridge.
we can just get them in
the door, then we can…” is the
mantra repeated over and over. I
heard Pastor Jim say this about the time I raised concern over the
Driven Life book.
In this vain these
churches have looked
to the world and
used Hollywood, sports, music and even circuses to attract people to
get people
in the door with the good intentions of preaching
the gospel to
that they might be saved.
we look at scripture,
this is an unbiblical approach to
reaching the lost. Beyond
that, I see a
few logical problems with this approach:
- What
it takes to bring them
in is what it takes to keep them.
people come because the music is hot or the media is cool or the
sermons make them feel good or meet a felt need, then that is why they
will come back. When
you try to move
beyond this to real Christian teaching and try to convict them of sin
and there need for a savior, they are turned off.
we sugar coat it so as to keep them.
try to sneak it in. Eventually
people will
get bored with the same-old, same-old.
we have up the entertainment a notch to keep it interesting. Ever notice what happened
to television from
the 60’s to the present? Each
year things
get a little more pushing the edge, a little more dicey etc until
today’s television bears no resemblance to the shows I grew up with
like "Andy Griffith" and "Leave it to Beaver" etc.
we are appealing to peoples flesh to get them we will continue to need
to do that to keep them.
- Bait
and switch. If
we intend to just get them in the
door then preach the real gospel to them, they will resent being lured
in under false pretenses and become even more hardened to the
church. Watch this video clip:
- Least common denominator.
We get them in the door and we want to keep attracting new people so we
never get around to growing up the ones who have been coming by adding
more real content. That
would turn off new
comers. This
is happening in Sunday
school. Kids bring
their friends who are
unchurched. Spiritually they are in the world and carnal. If we teach to the level
of the more mature church
kids we will turn off the new comers.
keeps everyone at the least common denominator.
- You end up
with a church with of
a mixture of believers and unbelievers that makes it difficult if not
impossible for the church to function biblically. (see 2 Cor. 6:14-18)
Yes seeker targeted churches
have found a
way to grow their
numbers, but are they truly making disciples?
The great commission does not
“Go into the world
and use their methods to get them into the door so they can have fun
and listen
to some messages loosely based on my teachings”
It says: “Therefore
go and teach all
nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching
them to observe all things, whatever I commanded you. And,
I am
with you all the days until the end of the world. Amen.” Matt 28:19-20
Jesus also said: “…If
anyone desires to
come after Me,
let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” Luke
The message of the Gospel of
Christ is not
to appeal to the interests of the culture, or to their felt needs as is
popular in
20th and 21st century
America, but to actually
deny themselves. The
biblical method for
preaching the Gospel
to the lost is not on the basis of being culturally relevant, but
actually just
the opposite. It
calls people out of
their worldly minded culture and to think and act biblically. It strictly
commands men everywhere to
repent of their sins:
“Truly, then, God
overlooking the times
of ignorance, now He strictly commands all men everywhere to
He has
appointed a day in which He is going to judge the world in
righteousness” Act
“Then Peter said to
them, Repent
and be baptized,
every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ to remission of sins, and
shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Act 2:38
So in the desire to reach the
world for
Christ, they miss
the “for Christ” part. (also
many numerous calls to repentance in the Gospels and
in Acts 3:19, Acts 8:22, Acts 26:20, Rev 3:19)
The modern church would argue
that the old
methods don’t
work anymore. First
I would say that we
haven’t been doing a good job in preaching the true Gospel of
repentance from
sin and then grace, but a gospel of what can Christ do for me here and
Secondly I would argue that the
new methods
really don’t
work either. Yes
they get them in the
door, but they don’t do much with them when the get them there. How can I say this? Just
look at polls by Barna and Gallup and
see if today’s evangelicals differ much from the average population in
areas of morality, absolute truth, existence of hell and other topics
once a
major point of difference. Why
they have not repented. They
have not
been regenerated.
A further danger I see is that
churches are ever
looking for the next thing. They
polls saying that Americans are becoming more spiritual. By this I do not mean
biblical spirituality,
but seeking some sort of religious experience.
Modern thinkers have rejected absolute truth in favor
of relative
truth based upon experience. In
minds, a spiritual experience verifies its reality.
If one through “contemplative prayer” has a
spiritual experience, it must be true.
is no biblical discernment here, remember doctrine
divides, so
doctrine is out, and discernment along with it.
One emergent leader talked
about how
Christianity has to be
dismantled. He is
not sure what must or
will take the place of its creeds and doctrines, he is only sure that
the old
must go. As I
mentioned, the emergent
church is pursuing this path and following suit close behind are the
likes of the
mega-churches. As
these large churches
go, so goes the way of evangelicalism.
is what I fear will happen to all our churches if
they don’t wake
up and start to practice Biblical discernment, recognize the signs of
and the falling away that marks the end times.
at the words of Jesus:
“He answered and said
to them, ‘When it
is evening, you
say, Fair weather; for the sky is red. And
in the morning, Foul weather today; for the sky is red and gloomy.
You can discern the face of the sky, but you cannot see the signs of
the times!’” Matt 16:2, 3
So I see today’s churches as sincerely
trying to
reach the lost but using unbiblical methods and a
down or
impotent gospel while growing in numbers.
the pews (or chairs) are being filled with the
immature and
undiscerning and whose lives are indistinguishable from the culture
they live
(update 5/25/06) Here is a
quote I saw today
from John MacArthur's book "Ashamed of the Gospel"
the modernists a century
churches in the user-friendly movement have decided that doctrine is
divisive and that peace is more important than sound teaching. Wanting
to appeal to a modern age, they try to frame their message as a
friendly, agreeable, and relevant dialogue. Unfortunately, it is often
the most "relevant" topics that the church can ill afford to agree on.
The pet doctrines of our modern age-radicalism, abortion, feminism,
homosexuality, and other politically charged moral issues-pose the most
obvious problems for user-friendly churches. Their undefined theology
and seeker-sensitive philosophy do not permit them to take a firm
biblical stance on such matters, because the moment they defy the
spirit of the age, they forfeit their marketing appeal. They are
therefore forced to keep mum or capitulate. Either way, they compromise
the truth.
How did we get to such a place?
As I said
above, as I see things, it has to do
with a sincere desire to reach the lost, but using man’s
instead of
God’s. The
few passages I have heard
in defense of these unbiblical methods are Jesus dining with sinners
9:9-13 where Jesus dined with sinners in Matthew’s house, the Mars Hill
and Paul’s statement in 1 Cor 9:22.
First in Matthew, Jesus did not
invite them
over for a
worldly show; he went to where they were.
called them sinners and likened them to the sick that
needed a
doctor. Further he
called them to
repentance. This is the same approach he used with the women at the
Mars Hill sermon (Acts
17:23-32) is often
used to say we
need to be culturally relevant. Paul
not invite anyone at Mars Hill to the local church where they would
culturally relevant service and message.
was doing street evangelism. He
used a
prop, in this case an altar to “the unknown god”
to tell them
about a God who was unknown to them.
finished by saying God is gracious and will overlook their time of
and that He “strictly commands all men everywhere to repent.”
Now Paul’s statement:
“… I am made all things to all men,
so that I
might by all means save some. 1Cor 9:22”
We cannot take this to mean
that we must do
whatever it
takes to get them the door and keep them there so they might hear the
Let’s look at the following
did Paul mean?
is someone saved?
method has God given us
for evangelizing?
did Paul mean?
We have to back up a couple of
verses to see
examples that
let up to his concluding statement.
said that though he was free he became a servant to all. To the Jew he became a Jew. To
the one under the law he became as one
under the law. To
those outside the law
he became as one outside the law (although really under the law of
Christ). And
finally to the weak he became weak.
Each example is of Paul
empathizing with the
person with
whom he was sharing the gospel. He
wanted to help them see that he was no different, not better nor worse.
was a sinner saved by the
grace of God.
“Faithful is the Word
and worthy of all
acceptance, that
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.”
As a former pastor of mine put
it, we are
all on a level playing
field before a holy God.
“for all have sinned
and come short of
the glory of God…”
Rom 3:23.
To come to the conclusion from
this verse
that we must use
the world’s methods to reach the world is absurd.
There was actually a parable
about the
Kingdom of God compared
with a wedding feast that all sorts of people were invited to in Matt
22:1-14. One person
was there who did
not have on a wedding garment. He
kicked out! Jesus
wrapped it up saying:
“For many are called,
but few
How is someone saved?
This should not be any secret
here. It is through
the preaching the message of
the Gospel, the “Good news”. But
news isn’t good news unless you first are aware of the bad news. But this kind of preaching
is not popular
these days. So
called preachers like
Robert Schuler do not even want to mention the word sin because it is a
negative word that makes people feel bad.
2 Cor 7:10 says this is absolutely necessary.
For a full discussion of the
subject see How is
someone saved?
method has God
given us for evangelizing?
The Bible shows us that
evangelism is done
through the
preaching of the gospel.
1 Corinthians 1:17-25
17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach
the gospel; not in wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be
made of
no effect.
18 For the
preaching of the cross is foolishness to those
being lost, but
to us
being saved, it is the power of God.
19 For it is
written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside
understanding of the perceiving ones."
20 Where is the
wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the lawyer of this world? Has not
God made
foolish the wisdom of this world?
21 For since, in
the wisdom of God, the world by wisdom did not know God, it pleased God
by the
foolishness of preaching to save those who believe.
22 For the Jews
ask for a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom;
23 but we
preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block, and
to the
24 But to them,
the called-out ones, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God
and the
wisdom of God.
25 Because the
foolish thing of God is wiser than men, and the weak thing of God is
than men.
Paul preached Christ crucified. This is foolishness to the
world but to them,
“to us being saved, it is the power of God”.
He did not put on a circus or use the world’s
For more information on how to
present the
gospel, see: http://www.livingwaters.com/
In the end I believe that
evangelical church
has stooped to use
of the world’s methods, because believers are too afraid and/or too
ignorant to
do personal evangelize as described in scripture. (I am guilty as
charged and
desire to grow in this area) It is easier to invite someone to a
& fun event.
The purpose of the Sunday
morning service is
not for the
making sinners feel comfortable in hopes they will eventually hear and
to the gospel. Sunday
services are a
place where believers gather together to worship God and be equipped
ministry. As such
it is not to be man
focused but God focused. An
may come in and observe, but it may be a new and different experience
him. To the
unbeliever, the things of God
foolishness as we saw in 1 Cor 1:18.
this we do not have to apologize or be ashamed.
we must show kindness and respect as is becoming
of God’s
Worship should be of highest
integrity of
the heart. Songs
should be those of praise
extolling the
nature, character and glory of God.
giving and celebration of the ordinances of baptism and communion
should be
done with respect and reverence. One
thing I see rarely in any church these days is a quiet sanctuary where
one can
pray and make sure there heart is prepared for worship before the
Teaching should be expository
so as to
preach the whole
console of God (Acts 20:27) for the edifying or building up of the body. The following passage
explains what the
outcome of this is.
“And truly He gave some to be apostles, and some to be
prophets, and some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and
teachers, for
the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry,
for the edifying
of the body of Christ. And
until we all come into the unity of the faith and
of the knowledge
the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to
the measure of the
of the fullness of Christ; so that we no longer may be infants,
to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine,
in the
dishonesty of men, in cunning craftiness, to the wiles of deceit. But
that you,
speaking the truth in love, may in all things grow up to Him
who is the
Head, even Christ; from
whom the whole
body, fitted together and compacted by that which every joint supplies,
according to the effectual working in the measure of each part,
producing the
growth of the body to the edifying of itself in love.” Eph 4:11-16
service that makes the
unbeliever feel right at home will
not produce this result.
Surveys today show that among
those who call
“Christian” there is little to no evidence it makes a difference in our
behavior or in the behavior of our kids.
is calling me to question if our churches are failing
us? Why is there no
difference? Has the
world gotten into the church? A
partial answer to this is that we are so
trying to attract the world into the church to “reach them” that the
world is
getting into the church. The
church is
to be the spotless bride of Christ (Eph 5:25-27).
we are so identified with Christ, we can’t
expect the world to feel at home.
we can expect is criticism.
“If the world hates
you, you know that it
hated Me before
it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own.
because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the
therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you,
servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted Me,
they will
also persecute you. If they have kept My saying, they will also keep
John 15:18-20
No matter what we would like to
believe, if
we are living
the way Jesus asks us to live we cannot expect the world to love us. James teaches us:
“… Do you not know
that the friendship of
the world is
enmity with God? Therefore whoever desires to be a friend of
world is
the enemy of God.” James 4:4
Why then are we trying? We are a light to the
world (Matt 5:14) but men hate the
light because
their deeds are evil (John 3:19).
Further, we are called to come
out from
among them:
“Do not be
unequally yoked together
with unbelievers;
for what fellowship does righteousness have with lawlessness? And what
partnership does light have with darkness?
what agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what
part does a
believer have with an unbeliever?
what agreement does a temple of God have with
idols? For you
are the temple of the living God, as God has said, ‘I will dwell in
them and
walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’ Therefore come
out from among them and
be separated, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean
And I
will receive you and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My
sons and
daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Cor. 6:14-18
The world and its culture have
engrained in the
thinking of the modern church. To
we think like the world and even live like the world.
The church is made up of the elect or “called
out ones” and we are called to become “holy as He is holy”
“but according to the
Holy One who has called
you also become holy in all conduct, because it is
written, "Be
holy, for I am holy."
1 Peter 1:15, 16
It is tough to do this and make
our church
comfortable for
unbelievers. They
think like the world
because they are of the world. If
we do
as God asks, we will become a “peculiar” or special people for his own
(Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 2:9)
“who gave Himself for
us that He might redeem
us from
all iniquity and purify to Himself a special people, zealous
good works.”
Titus 2:14
We should be different
from the
world and when they
see us they should see a difference. They
should see not just cultural differences but genuine
love and
Can a church
different, holy and yet loving and reaching out to a hurting world?
A. Yes
and we are told to.
Can we call
lost out of the world with the Gospel?
A. Yes, but only
the power that comes from God. This
means using God’s methods in God’s way.
church is to be the church that is biblical, it can’t be conforming to
world. It must be
different. It may
be hated, it may be misunderstood but
it can still carry out he mission it is called to do; to be the bride
of Christ
and a light to the world. If
we are to
be a light to the world and the world loves darkness we cannot be like
world and still shine.
No church is perfect,
especially if I am a
member. All have
there strengths and
weaknesses and
all are in need of prayer for leadership, ministries and the
congregation. We
are a body of imperfect
people growing in
Christ and learning to serve the King.
A series of events over the
years has raised
my concern for
the well being of my present church.
one thing was a cause for alarm, but the cumulative affects of all of
them have
reached a point of great concern.
ABF Concern:
I have been at my present
church since 1999. The
children’s ministry was thriving and a
real outreach to the community. Many
kids invited friends to AWANA and soon those kids were inviting their
parents. Sunday
school hour had good
teaching for the
kids and Adult Bible Study Fellowship classes (ABF) had a number of
options for
adults to attend. The ABF and small groups were a source of fellowship
training. Teaching
centered around
doctrine, expository teaching of a book, surveys of the bible and
in the area of false religions. Many
good classes were offered and I enjoyed and grew from participation in
them. As my church
grew and specifically
the children’s
ministry grew, the classrooms became too small.
accommodate the childrens ministry, the number of ABFs
reduced. It was
time to look at
expanding the facilities and I joined the Design team for the purpose
designing a new building that would hold the entire congregation in one
service along with creating more classrooms for ABFs.
Five years later we still have no expanded
building and only a handful of people are involved in an ABF at an
location. The
result of a lack of ABF
participation is a slow deterioration of doctrinal knowledge of our
Children’s Sunday school curriculum:
For several years my wife
taught children’s
Sunday school
classes. The
material used was of good
quality. At one
point about 3 years ago,
a decision was made to switch curriculum to one that had more fun and
content. The
concern of the leaders was
that some kids were getting bored.
in line with what a lot of the mega-churches are saying that today’s
kids are
so media saturated that we have to provide that same level of
excitement to
keep there attention. My
wife reviewed
the curriculum and was disappointed at how watered down it was. None-the-less it was here
to stay. My
wife felt uncomfortable with the
curriculum and no longer teaches.
Topical vs. Expository Preaching:
Topical preaching is also a
trend in the
church. Mega-church
Willow-Creek does
this exclusively as did Stonebridge for its Sunday services. While topical preaching
can be an effective
way to cover a subject, this can be done from expository teaching as
well. The benefit
of expository teaching
is that it
tends to make sure all things are taught, not just a handful of things
over and
over as does the health, wealth and prosperity churches. I
noticed that when our new pastor taught from
the “Sermon on the mount” for the “Jesus: uncensored” series, he
censored out
Matt 5:31-32 that dealt with divorce.
is obviously a topic on which the modern church has
waffled and he didn’t want to touch it.
did ask him about it and he said he might cover it the
next time he
speaks on the “Sermon on the mount”, or possibly during the current
Home Makeover” series. So
far he has
not. The problem
the modern church has
expository is that the Bible covers many topics that are no longer
The ever increasing use of videos and
In the service we are again
trying to
placate the culture of
this world through media to “get their attention”. I
don’t think this is necessary. A
couple of years ago I was running sound for music rehearsal when
someone rolled
a Harley into the sanctuary. When
composed myself, I asked: “what was the meaning of this”? Pastor Jason said they
were toying with the
idea of using for a joke to break the ice at the beginning of the
service. I objected
and the idea never
materialized. Why
would someone think
this was a good idea? Look
at Jesus
response to a misuse of the temple:
“saying to them, It is
written, ‘My house
is a house of
prayer," but you have made it a den of thieves.’ ” Luke 19:46
His point was that His father’s
house was a
holy place that
should not be treated disrespectfully.
I know that God now dwells in the hearts of believers so we are the
temple, but
there is a place for housing the corporate temple with respect during
Given that, when the body meets
corporate worship,
shouldn’t we clothe that temple appropriately as with expectation to
meet with
the King of King’s? Now
many roll out of
bed into their jeans and T’shirts advertising their favorite whatever.
The Purpose Driven Life and the use
of Rick
Warren’s material:
Our new pastor came in January
of 2004. About the
time he came, our church was just
about to start a “40 Days of Purpose” campaign based on the book by the
name by Rick Warren. Before
it started I
heard a report warning about it. I
got a
copy of the book and read half of it before we were to start the
campaign. I was
horrified at what I saw. The
widespread abuse of the paraphrase “The
Message” was typified in this book. Rick Warren had his ideas all
worked out
and then sought a few phrases from any translation
paraphrase he
could find to support it. These
parts of
verses are often taken out of context. His gospel of salvation was no
gospel at
all. It was all human centered psychology, appealing to the flesh for
and purpose in life with a Christian veneer.
read the entire book and added my editorial comments in
the margins.
I approached the pastor on this
after he started but
said that it was approved by the leadership before he got there. He acknowledged my
concerns but didn’t want
to do anything about it. I
can’t fully
blame him as a new and young pastor to the church.
I do question why the elders didn’t more
carefully screen the material or use discernment.
did express my concerns to one of the Elders
who agreed with my assessment, but he basically said “the train has
left the
station” and there was nothing else to do.
I had hoped that after the PDL
campaign that
nothing more
would come of Rick Warren’s influence, and for a time nothing did. Rick Warren has many
follow up programs but
none were mentioned.
Celebrate Recovery (CR) bypassed the
approval of
the Elders
A little over a year later
another Rick
Warren program was
going to be introduced called “Celebrate Recovery”.
(See “The Berean Call” newsletter about a
first hand review of CR at http://www.thebereancall.org/Newsletter/html/2005/oct05.php
. While
the people involved with
program are sincere in there desire to see people freed from there
they are really using the worlds methods. Here
is a quote from “The Berean Call”:
“The issue is not
whether we should
minister, but how we
should minister: man’s way or God’s way? Man’s way, or a mixture of
teaching and ungodly counsel, is contrary to God’s way. Man’s way leads
death. Applying Scripture to man’s way leads to a slower death, akin to
would result when pure water is added to a toxic drinking fountain. We
desperately need to take heed to God’s admonition through the Prophet
“For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the
fountain of
living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can
hold no
water” (Jer 2:13). TBC”
I was not aware of it at the
time but
another person who
held my same concerns as I had desperately tried to warn leadership but
ignored. If fact
the elders were
sidestepped in the introduction of this program, which is alarming to
me. Again this
program uses the technique
man’s ideas backed with phases selected from various paraphrases’ often
out of
Change in leadership structure:
This happed at the 2004
meeting. Part of
the change was required
by the
Christian and Missionary Alliance to bring it into conformity with
guidelines. Another
aspect which I
remember being a yellow flag to me was to allow for more flexible
changes in
leadership in regards to ministry.
thought was that waiting for annual congregational meetings is too far
and would “slow things down”. I
felt that quarterly meetings like I was accustomed to at First Free
would be
better for just such a reason. The
ability to make changes without congregational approval makes
leadership less
accountable. I am
not sure if this is
related to the Elders being bypassed on the CR issue or not.
Recommended Books by False Teachers
with no
In January 2006, my pastor
spoke on
spiritual disciplines. When
we think of
spiritual disciplines, what
comes to mind are things we encourage in a daily “quiet time” with the
such as prayer, bible reading, memorizing scripture and meditating on
scripture. I don’t
remember much about
the sermon, but he recommended the book “Celebration of Discipline” by
Foster and some other books. I
read this
as a young believer in college and rejected its false teaching then. In the book Richard Foster
meditation that is in fact based on eastern religions and many other
teachings including the teachings of
Jung and so called “dessert fathers” who in turn got
teachings from the eastern religions.
had been section on astral projection in the first edition(s) that I
hear has
been removed from the 25th anniversary edition,
but that
makes it okay now. Pastor
excused the
book as basically having a lot of good stuff that really helps and
stretches him
and besides we should always filter everything through scripture. I said to him that you
can’t just recommend
books without a warning for the dangerous teachings in them, especially
immature believers who wouldn’t know any better.
commented that almost no one is going to
read books from his list anyway. This
is no excuse and still he does not intend to warn others about these.
Another brother independent of
my knowledge
came to him with
the same concerns but no action was taken to “purge the leaven”. This brother told me that
the other books he
recommended are by other emergent church authors including Erwin
McManus which I did not know about at the time.
it comes to false teaching:
1Cor 5:7,8 Therefore
purge out the old leaven so that you
may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For also Christ our Passover
sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast; not with old
leaven, nor
with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread
sincerity and truth.
Not Taking Discernment Seriously:
Related to the last two
subjects, I feel
that while my
pastor heard and understood my concerns, he was quick to defend his
actions and
reluctant to take any corrective actions.
Concerning my warnings about
the Emergent
Church teachings,
he said he was very aware of the movement.
said something to the effect of: “I don’t agree with
all that they
say, and clearly some things are wrong but still they have some
things to say. I am
going to keep
studying them.” If
he admits they are
“clearly” teaching false doctrines, we should have nothing to do with
them. The
Bible speaks clearly here:
But there were also false
among the
people, even as there will be false teachers among
you, who
will bring in destructive heresies, even denying
the Master who
them, bringing on themselves swift destruction. 2Pe 2:1.
If anyone comes to you
and does not
bring this
doctrine, do not receive him into your house, nor speak a
to him. 2
John 1:10
Beware of false
prophets who come
to you in
sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Mat 7:15
Beloved, do not
believe every spirit, but
try the spirits
to see if they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out
into the
world. 1John 4:1
I exhort you, brothers, to watch those making
divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned,
avoid them. For they who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ,
but their
own belly; and by good words and fair speeches they deceive the hearts
of the
simple.” Rom 16:17, 18
the faithful Word according to the
doctrine, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and to
the gainsayers.” Titus 1:9
the warning has gone
unheeded. Following
up with two of the
Elders I found
sympathetic ears, but they were also dismayed and unable to make
changes. I asked
them “Is it not the job
of the Elders
to watch over the souls of the church?” “Shouldn’t the Elders be
material and holding the Pastor accountable?” My brother who has also
concerns was applauded for his discernment, but told that “we as a
church are
not at that point”. What
does this mean?
He was also told that if we
made changes to
correct the
wrong things, that many of the people would stop coming. This is pragmatism and
goes back to the
saying: “What it
takes to bring them in
is what it takes to keep them here.”
know this and are afraid to correct things and for
the fear of losing
Watering Down of the Congregation:
Following on from the previous
point, if we
are afraid to
make corrective step we will continue to lose people who want to be
to grow in the Lord biblically and be replaced by those who are looking
to be
entertained. “What
it takes to bring
them in is what it takes to keep them here.”
have lost many in the past few years who were very
involved mature
members. We now
have a more immature
congregation, and many here because of PDL.
it is good that they are in church, but to what
end if we can’t
teach the whole counsel of God without driving them away.
Director of Youth Ministries:
In our first meeting with Ben
we asked
questions. The
answers seemed to be
carefully worded so as to placate our concerns.
was as sense that youth workers can relate to our
kids better than
with their parents, and that parents are working off an old paradigm. Here is a quote from the
annual report for
the 2006 congregational meeting:
“…we must be willing to learn
as leaders and
parents in
order to be equipped to deal with a changing world.
Our schools are changing, our families our (he
meant are) changing, our students are changing, so why
times of change,
inherit the earth,
while the learned find themselves
beautifully equipped
to deal with a world that
no longer exists.’
-Robin Cook
OUCH! It feels like push the
old fogies out
of the way,
their irrelevant. It
seems to me that
man’s problems are the same as they were right after Adam sinned. It seems to me the answer
in the Gospel that
has not changed in 2000 years. It
to me that Paul’s statement in Romans still holds true:
“For I am not ashamed
of the gospel of
Christ, for it is
the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew
first and
also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16
In later meetings he seemed to
want to
involve the parents
more which is a good thing. Still
I feel
that relating to youth culture is a key emphasis, maintaining the idea
entertainment as a mean of teaching is necessary and fun being a big
part of
the ministry.
Further, I don’t support the
idea that
adolescence needs to
be extended into a persons 20’s. For
family as they go through their teen years, I want them to be taking
relationship with the Lord more and more seriously.
I want them to be equipped to make biblical
decisions for their circumstances in life and be spiritual leaders. Hebrew boys were
considered men at the age of
13 and women at 12. I
want my children
making a difference in the world not just being baby-sat.
1Co 13:11 When
was an infant, I spoke as an infant, I thought as an infant, I reasoned
as an
infant. But when I became a man, I did away with the things of an
(most translations use “child”
instead of
“infant” but it is
a good translation from Greek meaning immature, babe, child)
a family that loves God and
wants to live for
him in all aspects of our life.
a godly seed:
to share the gospel
difficult goals that require prayer and
diligence. The
world wants to squeeze us
into its mold. Television,
music, entertainment and consumerism are all battling for our children. This is a struggle for us
to reign in. We
grew up with many of these values with out
knowing the potential harm. We
little example to follow. It
has had its
grip on us from when we were young and we now wrestle with it. How do we draw the line
where we struggle
A family that lives for God:
As spiritual head of the home
it is my
responsibility before
the Lord to set the pace for following God.
means I need to set the example, provide for family
devotions and
discussions, and set standards and guidelines for the home. I must live in the joy of
the Lord and help
my family enjoy living for Him. We
to do more things together as a family, not only in fun but in serving
Practical steps:
filling our minds with the
Word of God
willing to and follow
through with obeying
what he speaks to us through his word
by example
to our kids about what we
do and why we do
them how to obey
Raising a godly seed:
This starts with a vision. Doug Philips spoke about
how some Christian parents are
happy that their
kids don’t smoke, drink into drugs or sex.
think they have done their job. But
says “that’s no standard at all!”
My family was a “good Catholic
family” that
didn’t get into
trouble. But just
going to and
in church did not keep the next generation from looser morals. The Bible speaks of active
discipleship of
our children.
“Hear, O, Israel.
Jehovah our God is one
Jehovah. And you
shall love Jehovah your
God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words which I
command you this day
shall be in your heart. And
you shall carefully
teach them to your sons, and shall talk of them when you sit
your house
and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise
Deut 6:5-7
Note the words “carefully
teach” and the
emphasis that it is
done throughout the day.
I don’t support the idea that
needs to be
extended into a persons 20’s. As
for my
family as they go through their teen years, I want them to be taking
relationship with the Lord more and more seriously.
I want them to be equipped to make biblical
decisions for their circumstances in life and be spiritual leaders. Hebrew boys were
considered men at the age of
13 and women at 12.
1Co 13:11 When
was an infant, I spoke as an infant, I thought as an infant, I reasoned
as an
infant. But when I became a man, I did away with the things of an
(most translations use “child”
instead of
“infant” but it is
a good translation from Greek meaning immature, babe, child)
I want my children making a
difference in
the world. There
seem to be few who have a
vision for
what God is calling them to be when the graduate from high school (or
college for that matter). I
would like
to be working with my kids and praying for them for a vision of what
God wants
for their lives both daily being led and long range.
I want them to be able to be leaders in a
world that needs leader of character, humility and integrity who seek
God for
the strength and wisdom to lead.
Becoming involved with the home
movement brought us
in touch with those who hold a more separatist view of Christian living. Public schools are
referred to as “Pagan
Seminaries” and there is a lot of truth to that.
kids at a tender young age are not
equipped to be missionaries. The
do not
have the ability to discern good teaching from bad.
Humanism is the religion of public schools
and it is taught in virtually all classes at all grade levels.
I was at first very skeptical
of the idea of
schooling. We
started at a very
difficult time in our life. After
attending my first home schooling conference I was convicted and
convinced it
was the right thing to do. It
has been
hard and has its challenges. I
teaching My daughter in the 6th grade and am in
my fourth
year. It has become
much more time
consuming as she
entered high school. In
kindergarten and
1st grade she was in the public school. She was influenced by the
kids around here
and in 1st grade one was a very bad influence. Home schooling was a hard
transition for her
but now she really appreciates it. She has made friends and church and
in the
home school groups. These
kids are being
raised with values similar to ours and not those of the public at large. This is important to
reinforce the values we
are trying to instill, rather than work against us.
I believe because we home
school, apply the
bible to our
lives and love our children as best we know God wants us too, we have
enjoyed a
good relationship with them. Both
strong willed and “expressive”, yet in the end they know we care about
them and
have their best interest at heart.
than just sheltering them from the world however,
they get
exposure to the world with us beside them to help them know how to
think about
what the see and experience from a God-centered point of view. This is how they are
prepared for life.
should look for in a church:
Supportive of Home
schooling &
Christian Schools
As for us we are home schooling
committed to doing so
and helping others. I
would like to have
my church fully supporting that idea, not being neutral to the idea.
I believe the church should
recognize this
and not be afraid
to speak out on the issue of public schooling and the indoctrination of
humanism taught there. I
believe Home
schooling and Christian schooling are the only options with home
preferred. Even
Christian schools need
to be kept to a high standard with books and materials and teachers
screened. Some may
argue that they can’t
afford to home school or send their kids to Christian schools. The church should see the
need and be willing
to help out. Home
schooling can be done
inexpensively if there is a stay-at-home mom.
living on one income is hard, churches should help
couples to learn
to do that if possible. Some
assistance may be necessary. Churches
should establish Christian schools for their members.
Family Focused:
The family is the key social
unit that God
created. This can
and should include
extended family
and adopted family. By
adopted I mean
that in a more broad sense than normal. With our mobile society, there
often single people and widow(er) and even single parent families that
missing a healthy home structure.
families can “adopt” others in the church body into their own to share
in the
riches and strengths of family relationships.
church should try to integrate families as much a
possible in
service, worship and other activities.
education is a product of humanistic principles
forgotten. Where
possible integration of
the ages should be done that the younger might learn to from the older
develop biblical respect for those who have more life experience.
There should be emphasis placed
on the role
husband/father as spiritual leader and teaching/training for how a man
is to be
that leader.
This affects all aspects of
church from
preaching, worship,
evangelism, discipleship and caring and community outreach.
All programs and teaching
should have a high
view of
scripture and use it frequently.
Spiritual discernment is to be
especially in regard
to the false teachers that the Bible repeatedly warns will come into
the church
and that will be part of the coming apostasy.
are the spiritual watchman of the congregation and
as such should
see discernment as a vital part of their ministry.
How does a church fulfill the
Commission while we
present the
bride of Christ spotless? Emphasis
should be on training individuals in personal evangelism and
discipleship. New
believers are welcomed
into the
congregation and accountability relationships established to see that
they do
not get lost along the way.
Worship should always be God
centered with
an emphasis on
reverence and respect for the King we serve.
The church should be separated
unto God
without being “out
of touch" with the world around us. We are to be the light of the world
and not hidden.